Configure components to emit CEI events
You monitor events in WebSphere® Process Server to assess problem determination, to tune performance, and to measure the effectiveness of your business processes.WebSphere Process Server event monitoring capabilities include performance monitoring and service component monitoring.
The Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) is used to provide basic management services for events. The format of those events is defined by the Common Base Event specification.
Event generation and monitoring
In WebSphere® Integration Developer, you can enable 6.0.2 event generation or 6.1 monitor model generation for many of the business integration components produced by the editing tools, such as business processes and business rules. The primary tool for enabling event generation and monitoring in WebSphere Integration Developer is the event monitor.
In any editor where the event monitor resides, you can select one or more monitorable component elements and then use the event monitor to choose the events that you want to generate and monitor for the selected elements. For example, in the business process editor, you could select a Receive activity in a business process and then use the event monitor to choose the Activity Started and Activity Stopped events for generation and monitoring. A complete list of monitorable components and elements is found in the topic "Monitorable components and elements in WebSphere Integration Developer."
Before you work with the event monitor, you should have a basic understanding of the following event-related concepts:
- Common Event Infrastructure
- Common Base Event
- Business events
Monitorable components and elements in WebSphere Integration Developer
In WebSphere® Integration Developer, you can use the event monitor to enable event generation and monitoring for a wide variety of business integration components and their elements.The event monitor can be invoked from the Properties view of the assembly editor or from the Properties view of any of the following component editors:
- Business process editor
- Business state machine editor
- Business object mapping editor
- Business rule group editor
- Interface mapping editor
- Human task editor
- Selector editor
If you want to enable event monitoring at the SCA level, then you must open the event monitor in the assembly editor and select one or more component or import interface operations to monitor.
If you want to enable event monitoring at the component level, then you can open the event monitor in one of the component editors (such as the business process editor) and select one or more component elements to monitor.
You can configure one or more components to emit CEI events at different levels:
- Assembly diagram level
- Component level
- Component element level
Opening the event monitor
In WebSphere® Integration Developer, you can use the event monitor to enable (or disable) event and monitor model generation and monitoring. The event monitor is accessible as a properties page in many of the WebSphere Integration Developer editors.
The method you use to open the event monitor differs depending on whether you want to enable event monitoring at the SCA level in the assembly editor or at the component level in one of the component editors.
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