Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Create custom Java logic using the visual snippet editor

Component Implementation

Create custom Java logic using the Visual snippet editor

Customizing behavior with visual snippets

To visually define custom behavior, use the visual snippet editor.
The visual snippet editor displays a diagrammatic representation of the Java™ programming language. Use this tool to graphically create and manipulate snippets of Java code.
Click on any of the links shown below to learn more about that topic.
  1. Custom behavior
    There are situations when a user has the opportunity to specify custom behavior within the context of one of the WebSphere® Integration Developer family of tools.
  2. Visual snippet editor
    The visual snippet editor is a diagrammatic programming environment that you use to graphically create and manipulate Java code.
  3. Using the visual snippet editor to write Java code
    When should you use the visual snippet editor to compose Java code instead of writing it yourself?
  4. The building blocks of the visual snippet editor
    Compose your own visual snippet using a combination of the following building blocks.
  5. Creating a custom visual snippet
    To create a new custom visual snippet, follows these instructions.
  6. Using inline expressions for simple equations
    When you are coding an expression in the visual snippet editor, there are a couple different ways that you can compose the expression.
  7. Using mapping service snippets
    When you want to transform data in a business object from one format to another using the visual snippet editor, you can use one of the three mapping service snippets provided.
  8. Refactoring a visual snippet
    When you refactor parts of your visual snippet, dependencies on those parts are automatically and universally updated throughout the product as a whole.
  9. Configuring a custom event in a visual snippet
    A custom event is a specific business-related message that can be declared in the visual snippet editor to be emitted in the runtime environment.

Related links

  1. Unleashing visual snippets and business state machines in your service-oriented application (Guided Tour)




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