Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Implement client interactions for human tasks

Human Task

Implement client interactions for human tasks (including API, human task manager, business flow manager)

Setting up a user interface for your human task

The human task editor provides various client types that you can use to customize a user interface through which users can interact with the tasks in the runtime environment.

A client delivers task-related information to a staff member in the form of an interactive application. You can generate various types of clients for your human tasks, and use the generated clients to customize a user interface through which users can interact with the tasks in the runtime environment. Or, you can use generated clients to quickly demonstrate a human workflow, for example as a proof of concept or prototype.

Using the client generator, you can generate clients for both stand-alone human tasks that exist independently of a business process, and inline human tasks that exist within a business process. You can create one client for all the human tasks in a module, or generate one client per task. You can also generate one client for all human tasks in multiple processes or modules.

You can generate and use multiple web-clients for each human task. You may wish to provide a choice of user interfaces or to provide clients with different functionality for different roles or simply to provide basic clients that can be re-used with a different look and feel. You can also use generated clients at the same time as the Business Process Choreographer explorer; the effect on the human task instance is the same even though the user interface is different.

Before you begin: Client types and prerequisites

These are the types of clients that you can configure or generate for your human tasks. This topic contains useful information that you may need before you proceed to generate your client.

Human Task Manager

A human task manager provides services to run human tasks within an application server.

Business Flow Manager settings

A Business Flow Manager provides services to run business processes within an application server.

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