Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Use and configure the data binding framework

Websphere Integration Developer v612
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Use and configure the data binding framework

A data binding takes an incoming stream of data in a native format and converts it to a business object to be used by services created with the service component architecture; for example, data from a Java™ application to a service created with the WebSphere® Integration Developer editors and wizards. A data binding can also take an outgoing stream of data in a business object and convert it to a native format.

A data binding works with a data handler. The data binding delegates the transformation logic to a data handler. The data binding works as a mediator between the transport-dependent protocol (JMS, MQ, HTTP and so on) and the transport-independent protocol of the data handler.

In this section, you are shown how to create a data binding resource configuration and given a list of the predefined data binding resource configurations.
  1. Creating a data binding resource configuration
    The steps to create a data binding resource configuration with the binding resource configuration wizard are shown.
  2. Email, FTP and Flat Files data bindings configuration
    The configuration of data bindings for the Email, FTP and Flat Files adapters is discussed.
  3. JMS, MQ JMS and generic JMS data bindings configuration
    The configuration of JMS, MQ JMS and generic JMS bindings is discussed.
  4. MQ data binding configuration
    The configuration of the MQ binding is discussed.
  5. HTTP data binding configuration
    The configuration of the HTTP binding is discussed.
  6. Creating a data binding resource configuration for WTX
    WebSphere Transformation Extender (WTX) is a universal validation and transformation engine used to exchange business documents in many data formats.

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